Triage du café à la main

Green coffee defects: Understanding for Better Value with Les Tassés

The world of coffee is fascinating, but often misunderstood, especially when it comes to the impact of green coffee beans on the final quality of the cup. Just like fruits...
Café de spécialité en cerise sur la ferme

David Batres: A Guatemalan specialty coffee producer

David Batres, a coffee grower in Guatemala, embodies the inspiring story of a return to family roots and a deep commitment to the world of specialty coffee. Born in Montreal,...
Cerise de café de spécialité naturel

Fermentation in coffee: experiments

As we discussed in our previous article, fermentation is a crucial and indispensable stage in the transition from coffee cherry to green bean. In recent years, producers have been experimenting...
Prise de température lors d'une fermentation aérobique. Photo fournie par Carolina Ramirez

Fermentation in coffee: the basics

As we saw earlier, the coffee treatment process "only" serves to pulp the coffee cherry to obtain a bean with a moisture content suitable for storage and delivery. Whatever the process used to treat the coffee cherry, there is always a fermentation stage.

What interests us today is controlled fermentation. We'll look at 3 basic types of fermentation: carbonic maceration, aerobic fermentation and anaerobic fermentation.
Cerise de café

Pulping processes

The little green beans we use to bring you the black gold you love so much are not so easy to obtain. It's on farms, often on the other side of the world, that the coffee cherry is transformed into a green bean ready for shipment.