David Batres: A Guatemalan specialty coffee producer

published on September 18, 2024 — by Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly — 10 mins of reading —

David Batres, a coffee grower in Guatemala, embodies the inspiring story of a return to family roots and a deep commitment to the world of specialty coffee. Born in Montreal, but from a lineage of four generations of coffee growers, David inherited the family plantation, Finca Batres, in 2016. His journey reflects a renewed passion for improving coffee production and processing methods, aiming to deliver exceptional quality while sustainably supporting farm workers.

From Montreal to Guatemala: Back to the Land

Despite a career in accounting in Canada, David has always maintained a strong link with his Guatemalan roots. In 2018, he decided to devote himself more seriously to coffee production, investing time and resources in learning processing methods. This change of direction led him to take specialized training courses, such as the ACQ (Association pour la Qualité du Café) QP1 program, which gave him the skills he needed to improve practices on his farm.

Fermentation submergé naturel guatemala

Transformation and Innovation at Finca Batres

Finca Batres, located in Quesada, Jutiapa, is the heart of David's business. To overcome the challenges of coffee production in Guatemala, he has introduced innovative methods such as the natural drying process and "Honey" processes. These methods enable coffee cherries to be processed with a minimum of water, an asset in a region where water availability is limited. David has also set up raised drying beds, protected by shade cloths for uniform, controlled drying, promoting the development of complex flavors in his coffees.

Thanks to these efforts, its natural coffees regularly achieve high scores, reaching between 87 and 88 points according to the standards of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), and its "Honey" processes between 85 and 87 points. These results reflect our commitment to producing specialty coffees of excellent quality, much appreciated by local Montreal coffee lovers and roasters.

The Vision of a Sustainable and Responsible Café

David's approach goes far beyond simple production. By adopting sustainable methods and focusing on direct trade, he aims to improve not only the quality of his coffee but also the living conditions of the farm's workers. He aims to increase their wages with the profits from the sale of high-quality coffee, creating a virtuous circle for the local community.

At the same time, he continues to experiment with coffee varieties such as Geisha and plans to take part in the prestigious Cup of Excellence. Its aim is to achieve excellence in every stage of the process, from planting to cup, while sharing its knowledge with local growers to help them improve their own practices.

Artisanal coffee roasting in Montreal: Alyssa Coffee

David doesn't stop at producing green coffee. He founded his own roasting company in Montreal, Alyssa Coffeenamed in honor of his daughter. This project has enabled him to roast his own coffee and better control every stage, from field to cup, while sharing his creations with local consumers. Each batch of roasted coffee brings out the unique notes of its beans, which are produced using natural and traditional methods. Honey applied to Finca Batres. David Batres decided to stop this project and concentrate solely on coffee production and education.

Fermentation du Naturel submergé

The future of specialty coffee for David Batres

By focusing on quality rather than quantity, David advocates an approach that prioritizes the economic resilience of small-scale producers in the face of fluctuating world coffee prices. He actively pursues training in processing methods, having completed his certification in the Q Processing Level 2with the ambition of becoming a consultant for other local producers. David Batres is now also an assistant instructor for Q Processing Level 1.

His commitment to raising the quality of his coffees while improving working conditions in his community has made David Batres a key player in the world of coffee. specialty coffee Guatemalan.

In short, David Batres embodies a modern coffee grower, aware of ecological and social issues, while remaining true to a family tradition of coffee which goes back several generations. His passion for coffee, combined with his processing skills, make him a true artisan of specialty coffee, ready to share his know-how with enthusiasts and professionals the world over.

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