Siméon qui déguste des cafés de spécialités de 94 celcius

5 Tips to Enhance Your Specialty Coffee Tasting Experience

Tasting specialty or third-wave coffee is much more than just drinking a hot beverage: it's a sensory journey where every note and aroma tells a story. But to really enjoy...
Préparation d'une dégustation de café (Cupping)

Mastering tasting notes: A guide for coffee lovers

Have you ever wondered what the tasting notes on a bag of coffee really mean? At 94 celcius Montreal coffee roasters, we often receive questions on this subject, especially from...
Dégustation d'un bon café avec une tasse blanche sur table en bois et avec un biscuit

The complete guide to brewing coffee with the V60: A journey of flavours

The Hario V60 has established itself as a must-have for coffee lovers, especially those who enjoy the filter coffee process. It's more than just a preparation tool; it's a method...
April 08, 2019