Triage du café à la main

Green coffee defects: Understanding for Better Value with Les Tassés

The world of coffee is fascinating, but often misunderstood, especially when it comes to the impact of green coffee beans on the final quality of the cup. Just like fruits...
Verre de café avec eau clair

Getting started in the world of coffee: The Crucial Importance of Water

You've just received your precious bag of 94 Celcius coffee and you've got a lot of questions? Our "Getting started in the world of coffee" series is here to help...
Café feuilleté à Rosemont Montréal

Le Feuilleté Café: A Family Dream

In Montreal's vibrant Rosemont district, a unique café has emerged: Feuilleté Café. Opened on July 14, 2023, this establishment is the dream of Joshua and his grandmother Monique, whose nickname,...
Café en grains fraîchement torréfié

The Importance of Roasting Date and Degassing: Maximizing the Flavors of Your Coffee

At 94 Celcius, we firmly believe that every coffee bean has a story to tell. However, to fully reveal these flavors, it's essential to pay attention to two fundamental aspects:...
Torréfaction de café de spécialité dans un Probat

The Science Behind Coffee Roasting: How We Control Every Detail

Coffee roasting is an art, but it's also a rigorous science. At 94 Celcius, we firmly believe that every coffee bean deserves careful attention to reveal its unique aromas and...
Célébrons le 4ème Anniversaire de Saison des Pluies : Une collaboration qui sent bon ☕️

Celebrating the 4th Anniversary of Saison des Pluies: A collaboration that smells good ☕️

Let’s celebrate four years of Rainy Season! At 94 Celcius, we are super excited to celebrate the 4th anniversary of our partner Saison des Pluies 🎉! This little café has...
Comment conserver le café le plus longtemps

Getting started in the world of coffee: Preserving coffee

You've just received your precious bag of 94 Celcius coffee and you've got a lot of questions? Our "Getting started in the world of coffee" series is here to help...
September 19, 2024
Café de spécialité en cerise sur la ferme

David Batres: A Guatemalan specialty coffee producer

David Batres, a coffee grower in Guatemala, embodies the inspiring story of a return to family roots and a deep commitment to the world of specialty coffee. Born in Montreal,...
Café de spécialité transparence et éthique

What is specialty coffee?

The world of coffee is undergoing a revolution, and at the heart of this transformation is specialty coffee. At 94 Celcius, a passionate roaster, we're proud to be part of...
Café de spécialité El Placer Sebastian Ramirez

Meet Sebastián Ramírez : The Producer Behind Finca El Placer

In the world of specialty coffee, there are unique stories behind every cup of coffee. One such story is that of Sebastián Ramírez, a fourth-generation coffee producer and owner of...
Le meilleur espresso Covalent extrait par une machine espresso

Getting started in the world of coffee: Espresso basics

You've just received your precious bag of 94 Celcius coffee and you've got a lot of questions? Our "Getting started in the world of coffee" series is here to help...
Meilleur café décaféiné par le torréfacteur 94 celcius

Getting started in the world of coffee: Decaffeinated

You have just received your precious bag of 94 Celcius coffee and you have a whole bunch of questions? Our Getting Started in Coffee series is here to help you...