Meet Sebastián Ramírez : The Producer Behind Finca El Placer

published on September 17, 2024 — by Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly — 20 mins of reading —

In the world of specialty coffee, there are unique stories behind every cup of coffee. One such story is that of Sebastián Ramírez, a fourth-generation coffee producer and owner of Finca El Placer in Colombia. His commitment to innovation, sustainability and quality has made his farm one of the most respected in theEl Eje Cafetero region, the heart of Colombian coffee production. At 94 Celcius, we're proud to work with producers like Sebastián, who share our passion for exceptional coffee. In this article, we invite you to discover the fascinating story of Sebastián and his farm, Finca El Placer.

El Placer Farm: a family tradition

Finca El Placer, which literally means "The Pleasure", is much more than just a coffee farm. Located in Calarcá, in the department of Quindío, the farm lies at an altitude of around 1,744 metres above sea level. This unique terroir, characterized by volcanic soil and abundant rainfall, offers ideal conditions for growing high-quality coffee.

Sebastián has been the guardian of this family tradition for over ten years. With over four generations of experience in coffee production, the Ramírez family has perfected the art of growing and processing coffee. What truly sets Sebastián apart, however, is his commitment to innovation while respecting tradition. Under his leadership, Finca El Placer has adopted sustainable practices, avoiding the use of herbicides for example, and focusing on soil health, a key factor in the production of quality coffee.

Sebastian Ramirez ferme El Placer

Innovation at the heart of production

One of the most fascinating aspects of Sebastián Ramírez's work is his use of innovative techniques in coffee processing. At the Finca El Placereach variety of coffee is treated with the utmost care using methods such as the natural, washed and honeyand specific fermentations such as carbonic maceration. This technique, often used in winemaking, helps develop complex flavor profiles, giving coffee unrivalled depth and richness.

Sebastián also relies on a microbiology laboratory which he has installed on the farm. This laboratory is crucial to the creation of coffees with exotic sensory profiles. Thanks to this facility, Sebastián can experiment with specific yeasts and fermentations that influence the final taste of the coffee, creating unique flavors that stand out on the international specialty coffee scene.

A sustainable, environmentally-friendly approach

What makes Finca El Placer even more exceptional is its focus on sustainability. Sebastián is a fervent advocate of sustainability. soil healthHe understands that rich, healthy soils are essential for growing vigorous plants and producing top-quality coffee. To achieve this, the farm adopts environmentally-friendly farming practices, such as no herbicides, and manual weeding every two months.

Respect for local biodiversity is also at the heart of Sebastián's commitment. Finca El Placer is surrounded by an abundant flora of native plants and trees such as the Guayacán, l'Arrayán and acacias. These plants not only serve to beautify the environment, they also play a crucial role in the fermentation and drying process of the coffee beans. By integrating aromatic plants as the lavender and the jasmine In the process, Sebastián succeeds in enriching the aromas and flavours of the coffee beans.

Nature's Impact on Flavours

Sebastián's approach to coffee is deeply rooted in the nature that surrounds his farm. Aromatic plants, notably lavender and jasmine, are integrated into the fermentation process to add subtle floral notes to the beans. These techniques result in a coffee that truly reflects the terroir of the region, with natural aromas that transport coffee lovers straight to the landscapes of the Finca El Placer.

Beyond the use of botanicals, Sebastián is also rigorous in the coffee-drying process, ensuring slow, controlled drying that allows the beans to preserve all their aromatic complexity. This attention to detail at every stage of production results in a brilliantly flavored coffee that seduces the palates of connoisseurs the world over.

Café de spécialité sébastian ramirez el placer

A Visionary Project: Alivio Generacional

The project El Placer Farmsunder Sebastián's direction, is not limited to Finca El Placer. Today, it extends to several other wineries in the regions of Quindío and Huila. All in all, six farms are taking part in this collaborative project, which aims to produce specialty coffee while promoting sustainability and guaranteeing product quality.

But more than that, Sebastián is concerned about the future. The project Alivio Generacional which he has launched, aims to train and inspire younger generations to pursue careers in coffee production. The aim is not only to preserve tradition, but also to adapt it to modern challenges, by integrating responsible and innovative farming practices.

A collaboration with 94 Celcius

At 94 CelciusFor the past 2 years, we have had the honor of working with Sebastián Ramírez and Finca El Placer to offer our customers specialty coffees of exceptional quality. Each batch we select reflects Sebastián's commitment to perfection, innovation and respect for nature. We believe that the coffee produced at Finca El Placer tells a story - one of a passion for excellence and a deep connection to the land. It's at the heart of our Halloween blend, or mortal sin.


Sebastián Ramírez is much more than a coffee producer; he's a visionary who embodies the future of specialty coffee. Thanks to his innovative approach and respect for the environment, he succeeds in creating coffees of exceptional quality that delight coffee lovers the world over. At 94 CelciusWe are proud to work with producers like Sebastián, who share our passion for exceptional coffee and our commitment to sustainability.

To discover the cafés of Sebastián Ramírez and Finca El Placer, visit our online store.

Pictures courtesy of Unblended and Sebastian Ramirez, owner of El Placer.

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