The Science Behind Coffee Roasting: How We Control Every Detail

published on September 22, 2024 — by Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly — 12 mins of reading —

Coffee roasting is an art, but it's also a rigorous science. At 94 Celcius, we firmly believe that every coffee bean deserves careful attention to reveal its unique aromas and flavours. In this article, we explore the technical and scientific aspects of the roasting process, highlighting the expertise that enables us to control every detail.

Understanding roasting

Roasting is the process by which green coffee beans, which are initially tasteless and hard, are transformed into the ones we know and love. This change occurs through a series of complex chemical reactions, influenced by temperature, time and humidity. Mastery of these factors is essential to producing high-quality specialty coffee.

Café vert mesuré et pesé

Phases of roasting

The roasting process takes place in several phases, each with its own importance:

  1. Drying (0-4 minutes) Green coffee beans contain moisture (approx. 10-12%). This phase aims to evaporate this moisture, allowing the beans to prepare for roasting.
  2. Maillard development (4-8 minutes) At this temperature, the reactions between amino acids and sugars begin, developing aromas and colors. This is where the coffee begins to reveal its flavors.
  3. First crack (8-12 minutes) As the temperature rises, the coffee beans expand, producing a distinctive sound known as the first crack. This indicates that the sugars are caramelizing and the coffee is beginning to transform into a more aromatic beverage.
  4. Second crack (12-15 minutes) If roasting continues, a second crack occurs, signaling that essential oils and volatile acids are beginning to be released. This often marks the transition to darker roasts.
  5. Cooling (15+ minutes) Once the roasting profile has been reached, it is crucial to cool the beans quickly to stop the process and preserve the developed aromas.

The Importance of Temperature and Time

Temperature control is one of the most critical aspects of roasting. At every stage, even a slight variation in temperature can influence the final result. For example, roasting at too high a temperature can burn the beans, while insufficient roasting can result in incomplete flavor extraction.

At 94 CelciusWe use roasters (Probat and Kaffelogic) that enable us to control these parameters precisely. Thanks to advanced software, we can adjust roasting temperature and time in real time, ensuring that each batch is roasted according to its unique characteristics.

torréfaction par 94 celcius

The Science of Flavors

Each coffee has its own distinct aromatic profile, influenced by its origin, variety and growing methods. During roasting, the beans release volatile aromatic compounds that create the complexity of flavors. For example, coffees from higher elevations may have higher floral and fruity noteswhile those from lower regions can offer earthier, chocolatier flavors.

We work closely with coffee growers to select high-quality beans which, when carefully roasted, reveal their full potential. It's this scientific rigor and expertise that enables us to achieve tasting notes that our customers love.

Rigorous testing and tasting

Once we have roasted our beans, we carry out rigorous tasting tests called cuppings. This allows us to assess the coffee's aromas, flavors and texture. These tastings are essential to ensure that every batch of coffee meets our high quality standards.

Our team of experienced roasters is trained to detect even the most subtle nuances. Using a systematic approach, we rate coffees on criteria such as acidity, body and sweetness. These assessments help us to perfect our roasting methods and ensure that every cup of coffee served is a memorable experience.


Coffee roasting is a complex process that requires both a thorough knowledge of the sciences and the skills of the craftsman. At 94 CelciusWe're committed to mastering every detail of this process to offer our customers exceptional specialty coffees. Through meticulous attention to temperatures, roasting times and taste tests, we're proud to be part of Montreal's thriving coffee scene.

We invite you to discover our creations and savor the expertise behind every cup of coffee we offer.

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