The Importance of Roasting Date and Degassing: Maximizing the Flavors of Your Coffee

published on September 24, 2024 — by Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly —

At 94 Celcius, we firmly believe that every coffee bean has a story to tell. However, to fully reveal these flavors, it's essential to pay attention to two fundamental aspects: the roasting date and the degassing process. While many coffee lovers may worry about the "freshness" of their beans, it's important to understand that freshness is not limited to recent roasting, but to the way the coffee is rested and stored.

Roasting and "Freshness": a myth to be dispelled

The specialty coffee industry often emphasizes freshness, but this can sometimes lead to over-concern and even waste. Indeed, the popular perception that coffee should be consumed immediately after roasting is now outdated. As expert Scott Rao explains, lightly roasted coffees, such as those we offer at 94 Celcius, can retain their aromas and remain excellent for several weeks or even months after roasting. This perception is validated by master roasters such as SEY and The Barn, who let their coffees rest for up to six weeks before serving them as espresso, thus ensuring flavor stability.

Sac de café de 94 celcius torréfacteur

The Degassing Process: Why it's Essential

Degassing is a natural process by which coffee releases the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during roasting. This degassing doesn't end as soon as the beans leave the roaster, but continues long after they've been packaged and right up to the moment you brew them. Excessive CO2 can disrupt the extraction process, especially when preparing espressos, leading to uneven extraction or excessive acidity.

By sealing the beans in bags with one-way valves shortly after roasting, the CO2 gradually escapes while protecting the beans from oxygen, the number one enemy of freshness. As Antony WatsonAccording to one coffee journalist, oxygen causes oxidation, which can lead not only to a loss of freshness, but also to the formation of unpleasant flavours. Hence the importance of properly storing coffee in an airtight environment.

How and when to use coffee for maximum flavour?

Our research indicates that the peak flavour of coffee beans is around 21 days after roasting. By this time, degassing has progressed sufficiently to enable optimal extraction and a complete taste experience. However, coffee beans continue to degas after this period, but they retain their organoleptic qualities for approximately 50 to 60 daysaccording to their roasting profile.

Light roasts, in particular, tend to preserve their complex aromas better over a longer period. On the other hand, darker roasts, being more porous, degrade more rapidly, not least because of the natural oils present on the surface, which are exposed to oxygen. As with olive oil, poorly stored coffee can become rancid.

The Importance of Storage: Preserving the Quality of Your Grains

Although the roasting date is an important indicator, the way you store your coffee plays a decisive role in its preservation. Here are a few tips to maximize the shelf life and freshness of your coffee:

  • Store your grains in an airtight container. One-way valve bags are ideal for allowing CO2 to escape without letting oxygen in.
  • Store your coffee in a cool, dry, dark place.. Heat and humidity accelerate the degradation of aromas.
  • Avoid opening and closing the bag too often. If you buy coffee in large quantities, divide it into smaller portions to limit exposure to the air.

Experience with a 1-Year-Old Café: The Impact of Conservation

In an experiment conducted with coffee that had been in storage for a year after being held up in customs, we found that, despite a slight loss of aroma, the coffee still offered a balanced, pleasant cup. This experience proves that a well-preserved coffee can remain tasty long after roasting. Although the profile may lose a little of its sparkle, it's still possible to enjoy a good cup, even with older coffee.

Boîte d'envoi du torréfacteur 94 celcius

Conclusion: Be More Relaxed at the Idea of Freshness

There's no need to obsess about the roasting date. In fact, a well-rested coffee can offer a far superior taste experience than one that's too fresh. The key is to understand that rest and storage are as important as the roast itself. Our recommendation is to let coffee rest for at least two weeks after roasting, and to store it in a suitable environment to maintain its aromatic qualities.

So there's no need to worry if your coffee takes a little while to arrive, or if the roasting date isn't "of the day". As long as the coffee has been well rested and stored, you're sure to enjoy a cup full of flavor. That said, the majority of your orders are roasted the same day. At 94 Celcius, we're lucky enough to roast 5 days out of 7.

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