Coffee, that bewitching beverage of a thousand flavors, often takes us on a unique gustatory journey, marked by the history and traditions of its producers. Grain de Chance, a coffee both sweet and chocolaty, offers an incomparable sensory experience, while telling a fascinating story through its origins.

Tasting profile

Grain de Chance is a coffee that's sure to delight with its sweet-chocolate profile and unrivalled smoothness. Designed for espresso, this blend is easy to adjust and quite permissive in its extraction. Savored dark, you'll discover all the intensity of dark chocolate balanced by the sweetness of brown sugar. With milk, you'll enjoy a comforting, gourmet coffee reminiscent of creamy fudge.

Tasting notes : Dark chocolate, Brown sugar, Almonds

Perfect Extraction

For this coffee, we suggest you set your machine so that: 18g of ground coffee gives you 36g of liquid coffee for a duration of between 25 and 30 seconds. A faster extraction (in 25 seconds) will give you a balanced acidity; a longer extraction (in 35 seconds) will give you more body without adding bitterness. This recipe was made on our espresso machine in our workshop and is to our taste, but is only a suggestion. We'll be delighted to answer any questions you may have about setting up your machine.

Bean origins

Grain de Chance is the fruit of a meticulous blend of beans from two renowned coffee-growing regions: Brazil and El Salvador.

Brazil - 75%

Producer: Poliana Pereira

Poliana Pereira works on the D'Barbosa family farm, renowned in Brazil and around the world. The D'Barbosa family farm has been established since 1980 in the Cerrado Miniero region, the first controlled origin region for coffee. Over the years, they have perfected the art of coffee-making, using the most advanced technologies to develop the full potential of their terroir while establishing conservation zones.

Their farms cover more than 3,000 hectares, both in the Cerrado and in Minas Geiras, of which 986 are dedicated to production and more than 1,000 are registered conservation areas. Since 2018, the family has been producing exceptional specialty coffees and excelling in various world-renowned competitions. Poliana Pereira is one of the producers at D'Barbosa farms. She is also the company's financial manager, combining her passion for numbers and her love of specialty coffee with a master's hand. Her farm is located in Alta Mogiana, a region bordering Cerrado, in the north-east of the state of São Paulo. With an average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, rich soil and high altitude, Alta Mogiana is an ideal region for growing coffee.

Poliana's coffee, as well as all the coffees from D'Barbosa's farms, is imported by Orange Brown, a Brazilian coffee importer based in Toronto. Their coffees are imported exclusively from Brazil, and all their farms are RainForest certified.

Salvador - 25%

Producer: Salaverria family

The Salaverria family has been perpetuating the coffee tradition in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec region of El Salvador for several generations. On the Jose Antonio Salaverria farm, located at an altitude of between 1420 and 1600 metres, Roberto Salaverria and his team work with dedication to produce exceptional coffees. Thanks to sustainable farming practices and rigorous quality control, the Salaverria family's coffees are now recognized worldwide for their excellence.

Importer: Republica Coffee Traders

Republica Coffee Traders, a dynamic importer based in Toronto, is committed to promoting specialty coffees from El Salvador while contributing to the well-being of local communities. Founded on the values of environmental preservation and social responsibility, this young and ambitious company embodies the promising future of Salvadoran coffee.


Grain de Chance is not only an exceptional coffee, but also a reflection of the know-how and passion of its producers. Each cup tells a story, the story of an encounter between exceptional terroirs and men and women devoted to the art of coffee. When you choose Grain de Chance, you're opting for a unique taste experience, tinged with exquisite flavours and a captivating story.

Did you like our Grain de Chance, which was exclusive to Tanguay? We invite you to discover our Covalent blend.

Grain de chance tanguay

March 04, 2024 — Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly

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