Hello to you, I introduce myself, thecoffee geek. I am a barista by profession, editor for Corsé magazine, "YouTuber"and above all a kind coffee enthusiast" third wave ".

      We are more and more concerned about the products we consume and just like with wine we want to know the provenance, the cultivars, the processing methods and the best way to prepare a coffee at home.

      Because sometimes it can seem complex, because there is a lexicon and a science behind each cup, I will guide you in order to better demystify and understand the issues of a success cup. Whether through technical advice , of my favorites or simply by sharing my personal experience with you.

      I sincerely believe that specialty coffee is accessible to everyone! Gone are the days when we had to settle for a cup of over-roasted coffee with hints of smoke, far too bitter. The acidity and fruity notes are now highlighted thanks to our artisan roasters, who can be found throughout Quebec.

      Prepare your taste buds because we are going to travel together in the world of specialty coffee!

Good reading !

-The Coffee Geek

July 17, 2018 — Marc-Alexandre Emond-Boisjoly

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